Oatley Electronics of
NSW Australia has released an all
JFET two stage
phono RIAA preamp. Previously their
phono preamp was a JAN 6418/
JFET hybrid type. I liked this kit
immensely (see earlier post) and made two and sold two.
It has a passive
RIAA compensation network following a high gain front end (over 100X). The first
JFET is a 2SK170 and the second a 2SK246.
MKT and green caps (
polyester) capacitors are used as well as a lot of carbon resistors. The amp
cct. is reasonable standard. The PS though employs a capacitor
multiplier which filters the DC
particularly well. Also the PS (which is part of the kit) uses an extremely small power
transformer with dual voltages (110/240).
I found the gain stage excessive. By cutting away the bypass capacitor on the first
JFET the gain fell slightly. A bypass capacitor for the second
JFET is provided but not required unless you are using a MC cartridge. By having local feedback on both the active devices the sound stage is deep and detailed. See the earlier post for a description of the sound.
It is
necessary to house the preamp in a metal enclosure to ensure AC and radio frequency
shielding. The kit is easy to assemble and comes complete with PS. I would
recommend the kit to novice and expert.