Due to the low component count of the BoZ cct. it is quite possible to build the whole preamp on a the output caps. In my other BoZ constructs I employ 20,000uf of storage caps. To keep the whole build very compact I used 2 x 1000uf low ESR caps for storage caps.
There is no input caps or attenuator with this build. It is not required in my system but other systems may require those components. A big plus of a genuine component-2-component build is a very short signal path and a minimum number of solder joints. These two factors help to improve the over performance of the preamp. There is no additional wire used in the build, all components are directly silver soldered to each other components.
Thanks for all the information and tips, Mark. I'll be building a BoZ and Camp Amps soon. Do you think it will be a good match?